related article (1) : Gheorghiu, Virgil 1916- 1992 -- source: WorldCat' Identities/
Gheorghiu, Virgil 1916-1992
Works: | 386 works in 1,376 publications in 10 languages and 4,719 library holdings |
Genres: | Fiction Biographies History Church history Personal narratives‡vRomanian Meditations Personal narratives‡vFrench |
Roles: | Author, Creator, Other, Honoree, Photographer |
Classifications: | PZ3.G3395, 859.3 |
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Virgil Gheorghiu
- De la vingt-cinquième heure á l'heure éternelle by Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
- Mémoires : le témoin de la vingt-cinquième heure by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
- Gheorghiu by Amaury d' Esneval( Book )
- Les inconnus de Heidelberg by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
- The 25th hour by Henri Verneuil( Visual )
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Most widely held works by Virgil Gheorghiu
The twenty-fifth hour by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
115 editions published between 1949 and 2018 in 6 languages and held by 1,009 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
A drama about the agony of a Rumanian peasant during World War II. He is falsely accused of being a Jew, conscripted for slave labor, and later is used as a rare example of the pure Aryan, for which he has to face the Nuremburg trials
115 editions published between 1949 and 2018 in 6 languages and held by 1,009 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
A drama about the agony of a Rumanian peasant during World War II. He is falsely accused of being a Jew, conscripted for slave labor, and later is used as a rare example of the pure Aryan, for which he has to face the Nuremburg trials
The death of Kyralessa by Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
24 editions published between 1965 and 1981 in French and English and held by 319 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
24 editions published between 1965 and 1981 in French and English and held by 319 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
The immortals of the mountain by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
31 editions published between 1964 and 2005 in 4 languages and held by 236 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Le nouveau juge d'Agapia entre en fonction aujourd'hui. Agapia, petit bourg perdu dans les neiges du versant oriental des Carpates où s'impose le palais de justice
31 editions published between 1964 and 2005 in 4 languages and held by 236 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Le nouveau juge d'Agapia entre en fonction aujourd'hui. Agapia, petit bourg perdu dans les neiges du versant oriental des Carpates où s'impose le palais de justice
La vie de Mahomet by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
32 editions published between 1962 and 2002 in 4 languages and held by 115 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
32 editions published between 1962 and 2002 in 4 languages and held by 115 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La seconde chance : roman by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
41 editions published between 1952 and 1990 in French and Undetermined and held by 111 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
41 editions published between 1952 and 1990 in French and Undetermined and held by 111 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La hora veinticinco by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
66 editions published between 1950 and 1995 in Spanish and held by 107 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
66 editions published between 1950 and 1995 in Spanish and held by 107 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La Tunique de peau, roman by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
12 editions published in 1967 in French and English and held by 104 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
12 editions published in 1967 in French and English and held by 104 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Dieu ne reçoit que le dimanche : roman by Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
14 editions published between 1975 and 1990 in French and held by 94 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Episode de guerre où se rencontrent une princesse roumaine, qui tient un hôpital dans son château, et un jeune soldat, poète résistant. Le récit (1975) prendra l'allure à la fois d'un procès du totalitarisme et d'un roman policier, puisque les deux personnages mentionnés se recherchent après séparation. [SDM]
14 editions published between 1975 and 1990 in French and held by 94 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Episode de guerre où se rencontrent une princesse roumaine, qui tient un hôpital dans son château, et un jeune soldat, poète résistant. Le récit (1975) prendra l'allure à la fois d'un procès du totalitarisme et d'un roman policier, puisque les deux personnages mentionnés se recherchent après séparation. [SDM]
25 Uhr Roman by Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
23 editions published between 1950 and 1962 in German and held by 94 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
23 editions published between 1950 and 1962 in German and held by 94 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
L'espionne; roman by Virgil Gheorghiu( Book )
27 editions published between 1967 and 1990 in French and Undetermined and held by 85 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
27 editions published between 1967 and 1990 in French and Undetermined and held by 85 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
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Audience Level
0 | ![]() | 1 | ||
Kids | General | Special |
![WorldCat Identities](
- Lamoure, Livia Other Translator
- Mihalyi, Marika Translator
- Saint-Come, Monique Other Translator
- Marcel, Gabriel 1889-1973 Author of introduction Other Contributor
- Muḥammad Prophet -632
- Schlaich, Eleonore Other Translator Contributor
- Catholic Church
- Athēnagoras I Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople 1886-1972
- John Chrysostom Saint -407
- Oldenburg Ermke, Frans van pseud. van F.A. Brunklaus Translator
Useful Links
Associated Subjects
Athēnagoras--I,--Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Authors, Exiled Authors, French Authors, Romanian Biserica Ortodoxă Română Catholic Church Christian saints Clergy Crime Criminals Eastern Front (World War (1939-1945)) France French fiction French literature Germany--Nuremberg Gheorghiu, Virgil Gheorghiu, Virgil, Goma, Paul, Horia, Vintilă Islam Jews John Chrysostom,--Saint, Lebanon Luther, Martin, Maronite rite (Catholic Church) Maronites Military campaigns Minnesota Muḥammad,--Prophet, Muslims Nedelcovici, Bujor Prisoners of war Refugees Romania Romanian fiction Romanian literature Saudi Arabia Science fiction, Romanian Spanish language Tiles in interior decoration
source : WorldCat' Identities>
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