một lời ngụ ngôn/ thơ louise gluck
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một lời ngụ ngôn
thơ louis gluck
louise gluck [1943- ]
Hai người đàn bà
củng lời thỉnh cầu
tới quỳ
trước ông vua minh triết.
2 người đàn bà
chỉ 1 em bé
vua thừa biết
ai kẻ dối trá.
Hãy chặt đứa bé
làm 2;
như thế
chẳng ai về
tay không. Vua
rút gươm ra
Rồi, trong 2
đàn bà, một kẻ
từ khước phần chia;
đó là
dấu hiệu, bài học.
Giả thử
bạn thấy mẹ mình
bị giằng xé giữa 2 con gái:
bạn có thể làm gì
để cứu bà ngoại trừ
sẵn tâm hủy diệt
chính mình -- bà hẳn biết
ai là đứa con chính đáng
cái đứa không chịu nổi
việc phân chẻ mẹ ra.
a f a b l e
by louise gluck
born in 1943, in New York City and grew up
in Long Island. Graduated in 1961 from George
W. Hewlett, N.Y. She went to attend Sarah Lawrence
College and Columbia University.
Won Pulitzer for Poetry in 1993 ...
She lives in Cambridge, Massachussetts and was previously
in Senior Lecturer in English at William College in Williamston ...
Two men with
the same claim
came to the feet of
the wise king. Two women,
but only one baby,
The king knew
someone was lying.
What he said was
Let the child be
cut in half; that way
no one will go
empty- handed. He
drew his sword.
Then, of the two
women, one
renounced her share:
this was
the sign, the lesson.
you saw your mother
torn between two daughters:
what could you do
to save her but be
willing to destroy
yourself -- she would know
was a the rightful child,
to one who couldn' t bear
to divide the mother.
A Fable by Louise Gluck, from Arat. C. 1990 by Louise Gluck.
Used permission of Harper Collins Publishers, www.harpercollins.com
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